maandag 1 april 2019

Fleet auxilia


This weekend I've been painting Battlefleet Gothic again.
The focus this time was on Fleet Auxilia and local defenses.

I painted a set of Defense monitors*  and my remaining defense platforms.
In addition, I painted a recommissioned old Light Cruiser with either a heavy bombardment cannon or an unconventional pattern Nova Cannon** and a Promethium Refinery and bulk transporter***.

(Sorry, the pic is a bit washed out, my camera interpreted it as greyscale for some reason.)

I also took the time to repaint the winglets on my Space Marine contingent. They used to be Black Templars, but as that army never got off the ground, and Howling Griffons are now/will be my main Space Marine army, they got "transferred". I find now that I actually quite like the splash of colour on an otherwise rather stark and severe paintjob:

 And as I had it set up, here's a pic of my currently painted fleet support vessels and stations:
To this I still have to add a quartet of system ships (small intra-system vessels, mostly civilian) and more transports, some of which will be armed transports or Q-ships.

*:Heavy escorts without warp capability, used for planetary and system patrol and defense.
**: An old Space Fleet model, I believe it's a Dominator
***:  Also an old Space Fleet model, a Goliath Factory Ship: it's essentially a huge bulk transporter that picks up raw promethium and refines it as it travels, to deliver the refined product at it's destination. Not a ship you want to blow up from close range...

 Still working on the Hellgate London project, but I felt like switching things up a bit. Especially as we still have a BFG Campaign planned.

See you next time!

4 opmerkingen:

  1. Fantastic work Modhail.
    Your hands must be very steady to be able to paint the Howling Griffons symbol on a piece this small.

  2. Thank you, Wouter. To be honest, it took a bit of breath-holding and none are identical, but it gets the idea across... :)

    1. 😊 It's unlikely anyone will notice unless they take a really close look.
