woensdag 12 april 2017


So, today I assembled and based the remaining stands of bamboo:

 The PVA can dry overnight and paint should occur shortly. :D

As I had a spare base, some time and inspiration left, I decided to build a little extra:

A simple sacred rock. It's about twice as high as a 28mm miniature, so it's suitably impressive on the table.
My usual foamed PVC base, an actual rock, hot glue, basing sand and ballast. With a PVA-drenched length of sisal as Shimenawa and foil from some tube of foodstuff to make the Shide.  I hope to paint it alongside/after the bamboo.  With the trees I already have for (western) wargaming and the Torii I painted recently, I should be able to do a reasonably convincing small Japanese forest/wilderness table. Now I just need to get sufficient minis painted so I can give some rule sets a trial run, Daisho being on the top of that list.

See you next time!

8 opmerkingen:

  1. Looking impressive, good luck with the painting.

    1. Thank you! I'm hoping to get the brushes out this afternoon.

  2. Looks lovely!
    If you'd like I could let my Bushido undead (Cult of Yurei) run/shamble havoc on your terrain in a match ๐Ÿ˜Š.

    1. Thanks! I don't own or play Bushido myself, but we could try statting them up for Daisho?

    2. That's what I was aiming for ๐Ÿ˜Š.

    3. What figures do you have? I'll take a shot at statting them up. ;)

  3. Quite hypnotic and relaxing as is - small wonder the Japanese wrote lyrical about Bamboo forests.

    1. Very true. The building was quite relaxing as well. Coincidentally, I visited a botanical garden which has a large collection of bamboo species yesterday. It was slightly breezy and the sounds of the bamboo in the wind was like the ocean waves, very soothing. A shame I can't get my scale bamboo to make that same sound. :D
